abu dhabi dental center

abu dhabi dental center

Blog Article

Get a root canal to keep your natural teeth; this procedure can help you keep the tooth in place without extracting it. This operation can be performed by either our regular dentists or our endodontists.

Because of our highly qualified staff and state-of-the-art dental care tools, we can provide you with the most effective root canal therapy in Abu Dhabi. During a dental procedure known as endodontic or root canal therapy, the pulp—the soft center of the tooth—is removed.

When the pulp gets infected or inflammatory, you will require a root canal. We at Prime Cure Medical Center are here to help if you're thinking about getting a root canal in Abu Dhabi.

Your teeth are composed of two main pieces. The crown is the part of the tooth that is the tallest and most conspicuous. The tooth's root, which penetrates the jawbone and holds the tooth firmly in place, comes in second.

Within the root canal system is the dental pulp. This is the pulp, which is the tooth's core and is composed of blood vessels and nerves. As the pulp moves from the tooth's crown to the tip of the root, it connects with the tissues surrounding the root. An important part of a tooth's development is the pulp.

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